Resilience is the key to bouncing back from life’s challenges. We all go through tough times, and having the skill of resiliency is important to build on. This gives us the best shot at overcoming obstacles and working through problems. We can all learn skills that will build on our resiliency, and better prepare us to tackle difficult situations in the future. 

There are multiple tools that can help people build resilience. One way is to lean on other people around you. Having people in your life that are supportive can be powerful, and can help us feel less alone in our struggles. Online support groups are also great ways to talk to others going through similar things, which can help us stay resilient. When we have established a solid support system, it is important that we get comfortable asking for help when we need it. It’s not always easy, but reaching out to loved ones, a professional, or a community resource when you need help is a sign of strength. 

Another important part of resiliency is self-care. It is important to learn tools that help you care for your whole health. Our mental and emotional health tends to be in a better place when we take care of our body. Try to eat well, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. It is also important to find healthy ways to cope with tough emotions instead of turning to substances, which will only add to our stress levels. We should also check in with our feelings regularly, especially if something stressful happens. This way, we can practice self-care early to make sure we are putting ourselves first. 

Keeping these tips in mind can be beneficial when becoming more resilient. Resilience is a life-long skill that takes practice. By practicing these skills, we will be better prepared for the future when we are faced with difficult situations. Practicing self-care and building and maintaining a good support system are great starting points to build up your resiliency. 

May 2nd. 2024


Ohio Statehouse & The Sheraton, Columbus OH, MAY 2ND | 10am-2pm

Keynote Speaker Tina Husted! | A day full of empowerment and power speeches!