We all experience difficult times in our life. Whether it’s losing a job, a loved one passing, or even a breakup, having a support system matters. Human beings are social creatures, we all rely on each other in many different ways. Life can be stressful and having a support system helps us to be resilient. It’s important to begin the journey of building a support network when things are going well. That way, when we are struggling, we know who to reach out to.  

There are endless possibilities when it comes to finding support in your area, and it doesn’t have to stop there. Your friends and family are a great starting place to look for support during life’s big moments. Individuals we are closest to provide support through a listening ear or a celebration of an exciting moment. Someone in your support system like a therapist or peer supporter can provide coping skills and a new perspective when we’re having a hard time. Many of the relationships in our lives can help us to reduce stress and create happiness. Attending new local events, going to lunch with a friend, or chatting on the phone are a few ways to invest in relationships that are supportive during tough times. 

More ideas to find a support system:  

  • Volunteering at a local community service agency can provide an opportunity to meet new people. We feel good when we help others and make a difference in our communities, making time to volunteer will boost self-esteem and create connections with your community. 
  • Teachers and other professionals in your school can be there to listen when times are tough and celebrate your accomplishments when things are going well. Other students can be an opportunity to find support as well, many of them may be going through similar things that you are. 
  • Finding a support system of like-minded individuals can be accomplished by investing time into a hobby. Joining a sports team, yoga class, or art group are just a few examples.  
  • Many support and social groups are available online and on social media and can be a place to start when building your support system. 
  • A place of employment can be supportive through building relationships with coworkers and your employer. These individuals can support you in your career by providing references and skill building opportunities. 

No matter how you go about it, research shows that building a support system can improve your quality of life and reduce stress. Remember that it’s ok to reach out for help and to try to be there for others when they need it. People in your life may come and go, but developing relationships with different type of people means you will always have someone to lean on when you need it.